10% of our dividends
go to the COURAGE foundation.
The foundation supports children, youth, elderly people and their families in various countries through projects in the areas of education, upbringing, family assistance and development cooperation.
Through education and the teaching of life skills, the COURAGE foundation aims to empower people to take their future into their own hands and bring about change on their own. COURAGE supports projects that seek to holistically address root causes of challenges and do not simply provide material help. To accomplish this goal, the projects work in close cooperation with local Christian churches, the local population and their representative bodies. People are supported regardless of their origin or faith.
Currently COURAGE supports several partner organizations in Eastern Europe. The main projects work with about 250 children and young adults from difficult backgrounds in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
Donations up to a maximum of €300 can be documented to your responsible tax office without a donation receipt. You can download the template for the simplified donation confirmation here.
For donations exceeding €300, we will send a donation receipt. To this end, please provide your email and postal address as part of the reference line (“Verwendungszweck”). We welcome any donations to support our partner organizations in Eastern Europe. To donate, please find our donation account below.
For questions please contact us at courage.foundation@scty.ai
Donation account:
benefacere gemeinnützige UG
Reference: Courage Foundation - Moldova
IBAN: DE56 1203 0000 1020 3756 87