We are a team of experienced professionals with innovative mindsets, passionate about working with our clients to achieve significant societal impact – with tailor-made software development solutions, strategy consulting and long-term implementation support.
Our office locations are in Germany, Romania and Moldova with headquarters in Berlin and Iasi. We offer our colleagues a hybrid working model - combining working on-site with our clients and allowing flexibility to work from home or selected coworking spaces near our team members.
scty was founded in April 2022 with the intention to support the digital interaction with public entities. All founders have in-depth experience with public sector consulting, digitization of the public sector and overcoming challenges in complex technical systems.
Martin has been working in strategy consulting since 2010. He focused on design and implementation of digital services for a wide range of public administration entities. He has also led numerous user-centric service design and service rollout projects.
Until 2022, Martin was an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Willem started his career as a strategy and IT consultant in 2009 with McKinsey & Company, Inc.. As an electrical engineer, he focused on projects involving both business and IT challenges. Gravitating towards public sector IT projects, he build deep expertise in management of complex IT transformation programs.
In his free time, Willem enjoys programming micro-controllers and the joys of DIY-Home Automation.
Matthias mission is to support societies making better use of technology to create better opportunities, health and access for citizens around the world. He has successfully supported governments and large corporations in their most challenging transformations, most recently as Senior Partner at McKinsey&Co where he led the global teams for both the „Digital Public Sector“ and „Service Operations“. Matthias is a frequent conference speaker and has published several studies on the potential of technology to tackle society’s most pressing challenges.
Matthias is passionate about supporting children in need and works with several charities to provide better education, access to jobs and re-integration into society.